
Our mission is to support LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER (LGBTQI+) asylum seekers, refugees, and other migrants. We work to tackle racial inequality, reduce isolation, and loneliness to improve mental health and well-being through emotional and practical support.
Meets first Monday of the month from 6-8pm Café Hall
For more info visit

Ibrox Parish Church was instrumental in founding the Glasgow SW Foodbank and is a distribution centre and main food store for the foodbank. There are four distribution centres throughout the area helping those in need from a large geographical area.
For more information
or please visit:

Boys' Brigade is one of the biggest Christian Youth Organisations in the UK & Republic of Ireland. There’s something for every young person whether it’s camping or kayaking, first aid or five a side. Members develop skills, build confidence, make friends, take responsibility and are encouraged to make a real difference in their communities - sharing the values that make us who we are.
For more information please visit:

Millions of men and women have heard or read about the unique Fellowship called Alcoholics Anonymous since its founding in 1935. Of these, more than 2,000,000 now call themselves members. People who once drank to excess, finally acknowledged that they could not handle alcohol, and now live a new way of life without it.
Meets Mondays 8-9pm in Main Hall
For more information
please visit:

We are a nonprofit organisation with the aim of delivering empowering and meaningful youth work to all children and young people within the Glasgow Govan area. We aim to provide support, information and advice to anyone who makes use of our services (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or racial group), and we are committed to the development and regeneration of our local community.
Meets Fridays 7-9pm Games Hall
For more info visit http://gyip.org.uk/
or email: mail@gyip.org.uk

Cameron Taekwondo has been based in Glasgow for over 12 years. Our focus has always been on our students, teaching them all the physical attributes and moral principles that Martial Arts have to offer.
Meets Fridays 5.45-7.30pm
in Main Hall
For more information please visit:

Being a Guide is all about learning new skills, making your own decisions and having fun. Guiding provides a safe environment to explore new possibilities and achieve personal goals while making friends and having adventures. We are an active combined unit of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Sense.
Ages 5-14 years.
Meets Tuesdays 7-8.30pm in Main Hall
For more information email:
ibroxparishchurch@gmail.com or visit:

We teach the Tamil language and culture to young people Kindergarten 1&2 through Grade 12. We also hold Tamil speaking sessions for English speaking students.
Meets Saturdays in Cafe Hall
For more information contact:

Narcotics Anonymous is a community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life.The only requirement for participation in NA is a desire to stop using drugs.NA exists solely so that its members can support each other to stay drug free and to help others achieve and maintain a drug free recovery and lifestyle.
Meets Wednesdays 7.30-8.30pm
in the Main Hall

A class for physical and mental strength, fitness, flexibility and endurance.
No equipment necessary.
All ages welcome.
Coached by Ameed Versace.
Meets Mondays 4.30-5.30pm
in Games Hall
For more information please call:
Elite Coaching at

We are the Govan/Ibrox branch of
Living Rent, Scotland's tenants and community union.
Meets in the Cafe Hall
the Wednesday of the first full week of the month
For more information please visit:

Graduate Women Scotland (GWS) promotes the advancement of women and girls world-wide and at home. We advocate for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through local action and global interaction. GWS advocates for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to quality secondary and tertiary education and training up to the highest levels. Our vision is 100% of girls and women in the world achieving education beyond primary school.
Meets monthly on a Wednesday
Stephen Room 7-10pm
For more info visit https://graduatewomenscotland.wordpress.com/

Ibrox Writers Group
Meets Fridays 10am-12pm
Stephen Room
For more info email: ibroxparishchurch@gmail.com

Early Years Scotland are running the “Henry” programme in Ibrox Parish Church. These are free sessions that enable families to learn some informative tips and advice for you to carry out at home. Mealtimes, children’s behaviour, wellbeing for all, eating on a budget and lots more.
Meets Main Hall
For more info contact:
Louise Tough 07387 414 287

Start your journey to a healthier life by joining Workshops at WW Workshop @ Ibrox Parish Church. During the Workshop, you'll meet people like you who are transforming every day by making changes to eat well, move more, and connect with others. All Workshops are led by a WW Coach who's been in your shoes. WW has helped millions of members lose weight and have happier lives.
For more info visit https://www.weightwatchers.com/uk/
Wednesdays 6pm and Saturdays 10.15
Café Hall